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S1 Finance

Get your business a complete finance consolidation process in a reliable and traceable manner. Complete your consolidated financial accounts in a fraction of the time and make the best use of company resources. Every step of the consolidated financial statement creation process is simplified by the straightforward operating interface and clear data model architecture.

Our financial consolidation software can reduce your effort and assist you through every step of financial consolidation in a targeted, audit-compliant manner by automating as many components as feasible. Each individual step is simplified by predefined processes, an intuitive interface, and a transparent data model.

Group financial consolidation

Results you can expect


Our highly automated consolidation tool lets you start the process with a mouse click. No matter how deep your group’s structures are, the steps will happen automatically.

Data transfer

Get flawless data integration. We can help you wake up to reality with accounting connections. Our open software architecture also makes it possible to integrate with any data integration platform.


Maximum responsiveness, right down to the posting and source document. Every change made to it is logged in the system so that you can always find the most up-to-date information.


Our financial consolidation software is absolutely reliable. It lets you ensure your compliance with GAAP throughout the consolidation process. 

Self-service solution

You no longer require IT help with our consolidation and group control software. You can administer and customise the system yourself. 

User friendliness

Our financial consolidation software has an intuitive and easy-to-use interface that can be managed by all members of your financial department without involving IT.

S1 Finance powerful capabilities for your businesses

  • Conventional Double Entry Bookkeeping
  • Tax Calculation and Deduction on Automation
  • Generation of required Forms
  • Features for browsing Balance Sheets, Profit and Loss Statements, and Ledgers
  • Multi-Company Balance Sheet; Profit and Loss Statement Cash Flow Analysis and Projections
  • Explore the Financial Years
  • Built-in Audit Features & Audit Trails
  • Multi-Level Role-based Security System